Gallia County pictures

These pictures are from an album which belonged to my grandmother's sister and her family lived in Gallia County for many generations back. The pages were sent to me by my mother's cousin who has recently passed away. He had them for years and did not know anything about the content or people in the pictures. Unfortunately there are no names on the back and only a few names or writing on the borders of the pictures. My hope is to have any of the people in the pictures identified so that I can reunite the original photos with a family member.

I am also adding photos from my grandmother's album and some loose ones in a a box that belonged to her. A few are named. What a treasure to find these pictures...a part of history.

And then I am including a few pictures which I can identify and had belonged to my grandmother. Those pictures will have names.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Friends or family?

Again, I do not know anyone in this picture.

Statue and Sunday School

This first picture was taken of the George Rodgers Clark statue at Piqua. Possibly on the same trip to Dayton. Although there are no recognizable faces in this photo, it is interesting.
The picture is faded but the writing at the bottom of the photo reads: "Sun School"

School girls

Someone really has to know about this picture. There are more than 40 young women in formation! Does anyone recognize where it was taken? I can send a larger image if anyone is interested.

From Cheryl: I think that the picture you labeled Girl's school, may be Rio Grande College in it's early years. I have seen a picture similar to it from my aunt Marie's photo album. I also recognize the house in the background and the configuration of the land . I would say it was a physical education class doing their exercises out on the campus lawn. Since just in front of the ladies would have been Community Hall, which was also the gymnasium and auditorium.

"Me and you"

Although these two pictures are on the same page in the album, I don't think the two men are the same. The caption under the one on the right is: "Me and you"

Young man

There is no indication on the back of this picture or any of the other ones who these people might be. I only know they lived in Gallia County.

Farm life

These people look like the same ones in the other farm pictures. Wish I knew who they were!

Identified!  Top picture is Joseph A. Logue and the bottom picture is his wife, Roma Langdon Logue.

More farm life

The caption here is: "Ain't we got fun"
I know that this song was first published in 1921, so that gives a bit of a time frame for this picture.
And here: "sock calf." (Thanks to Cheryl for the clarification.)

Farm life and Dayton

The picture on the left is a view of farm life in Gallia...don't know the people.
The other picture of the lady in the fancy dress was taken, according to the writing at the bottom of the picture, at the "Overlook, Dayton, O." This place is unknown to me.


I believe this to be on the Ohio river, maybe at Gallipolis?